Thursday, October 13, 2011


After embarking on this ADMT project, I learnt that architecture design is not as easy as it seems at first. It requires a lot of first-hand planning, ideation and more importantly, adequate time to create a unique building. It helped me to gain an insight of what architecture is like, and it also allowed me to understand why the buildings are built. They are built for a reason — the ambience, overall feel and aesthetics — and the architects will all have an intention in mind before starting work.

In the process of doing my architecture design, I encountered several obstacles. The ideation part in the journal takes a long time to complete, Google SketchUp is too laggy and difficult to use, there is limited time to complete the Digital Presentation Board......there are a lot of daunting tasks along the way, but I came to understand that it is imperative to work even harder. In the end, I managed to complete everything by allocating the weekends for it.

I felt that this project is a worthwhile experience. Not only did I learn more about architecture and design, I also learnt that more grit and determination is required to overcome problems. Time management and allocation is also important, too. Therefore, I hope that there will be a similarly good project in the future so that I can continue to learn more new things.

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